Tuesday 17 July 2012

Five Tips to Choose a Leased Line Provider

Leased Line Internet Services
High Speed Internet Services
With the emergence of different types of technologies, communication has become very easy. One such technology that has surely created ripples in the industry is Leased Line. Though the use of leased lines is not something very new, its importance has been realized very lately. Most people, who are not aware about this service, usually try to go for tested alternatives that are already available in the market. If you are seeking to go for a leased line connection, here are five tips that will help you identify a suitable leased line provider.
  1. Know Your Requirement: The user is first advised to define and evaluate his requirements. Doing so will allow him to know his requirements and what type of services to look for in the market.
  2. Check the Reliability: The user must check for the reliability of the service provider. This can be ascertained by enquiring about the service provider with its current customers.
  3. Speed: The user must pick that service provider which offers you the maximum speed. Almost all leased line providers sign a service level agreement (SLA) with the user that defines the speed to be provided.  
  4. Price: As leased lines are known to be very expensive in nature, it is always advised to the user to shop around in the market before finalizing one.
  5. Customer Support: The user must select that leased line provide who is known to offer complete customer support services.
The above mentioned tips can help users in determining the most appropriate leased line service provider.

10 Tips for Choosing a Cloud Hosting Provider

Cloud Hosting
Cloud Server Infrastructure
The way people run a business has changed in the recent past. No one does all the work themselves but a chunk of it is outsourced to various agencies. Some of the back office projects go to a BPO company there by reducing some of the management responsibilities. If you want to reduce further some of the network operations within the office further, you can look at cloud server hosting.

Cheaper Options

Cloud providers have proved to be popular among businesses as they find that they do not need to invest in pricey software but at the same time can provide employees with the requisite tools. Choosing need to be done after some forethought as business owners have to decide which of the services need to be outsourced. This is because cloud hosting India providers bunch up various services into packages and charge for the whole.

The firms end up buying what they don’t need to since the providers don’t allow businesses to pick and choose.  Popular services will bundled with services that have hardly any takers thus ensuring these services find a market. To prevent this from happening to you, you can take certain precautions. The first tip is to look around till you find the product you need. There is no dearth for cloud service providers in the market and doing some research on the net will allow you to come up with a service that suits you most.

Check Prices

The second tip would be to match prices before you ink the deal. Remember that you are choosing cloud computing as a money saving tool in the first place, so why should you end up paying more than necessary?

Thirdly, make sure that the cloud computing services you choose are compatible with the hardware your business possesses. If the two don’t match, it is going to be double waste. There are plenty of companies that offer to lease out hardware that matches their computing services. The fourth tip is to look for companies that provide flexible packages. There are companies that provide customized packages but you need to look for them.

Read the Fine Print

The fifth tip - scan through the contract when you do find a suitable provider! Sometimes the devil is in the small print. You should not make that your undoing. Sixth is all about maintenance. Problems are bound to crop up at some time and when they do, someone must pick up the tab. If there is no one responsible, your problem will remain unsolved. 

The seventh tip is to clarify about the ownership of the data that comes out of the services.  You have to make sure that the private information that is generated concerning your concern is not sold to a third party. This is where the small print in the contract becomes vital to you. 

The eighth tip is to review the security setup the provider has.  Security should be vital for you since your data is at stake. Check whether your provider has the membership of Cloud Security Alliance.

Deciding when to outsource is the ninth tip. This may seem less important, but the success of the outsourcing venture may swing on the time you decide to go remote.

Finally, backup. Anyone who has lost all their data due to a mishap at the outsourcing location will tell you how vital it is to have all the data duplicated and safe somewhere.

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